Friday, January 22, 2010

Movie - Extraordinary Measures

We went to the premier of this earlier this week. It opens on 1/22. It is an interesting and heartfelt movie. This is the first film for CBS Films. The basic premise is that Brenden's 2 kids have an incurable disease and that they won't live past the age of 9. Brenden is doing his research on-line trying to find a cure.
I thought that Brendan was miscast. I could not picture him as a caring father looking to help his 2 kids. I just didn't see the passion that was needed. Maybe you can see that but I could not. Harrison Ford was excellent in his role of a rather excentric scientist who works with Brenden to find a solution.
The other problem is typically a movie like this is better suited for a TV movie or a cable movie. Over all it was a good movie and I enjoyed it.
Rating - 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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